Si.n.g My. L.ov.e

E ger's called Valerie, born 18th jan 1985. A pianist, keyboardist, percussionist. Loves photography, lomo, life. Embraces life with richness of colour.


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02/01/2004 - 03/01/2004
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Drummer drummer
Unique earrings
Levi's jeans

My feelings______

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Da creater


Tuesday, May 25, 2004

personality check... i'm a care-taker... and have the habit to be like a mother hen, taking care of chicks... always defending others... worrier, and has the habit to make sure everyone feels okay... forgiving to others but not myself, even if it's the same mistake... but when stressed or not functioning properly, will go hay-wire... interesting point is.... the problem with my personality type is tt, when i go hay-wire, i really go all out... (oh and if u need to know, i was dong this personality thing on this book so tts what it wrote) it said when things go really bad, and cannot take it, something will happen and pple will say oh i think she has reached her limits... yuppz... (and i so fondly remember i did have such an explosion once in school, where i yelled at my classmate oopz..) anyway... they continued to talk abt what physical problems may affect such a person... which seems so true to me.. it read something like, for the women or this personality type, the places affected is the lower abdomen, lower back, intestines blah blah... and it's quite true... it read some more, err, u'll suffer from mestrual inrregularities, indigestion, constipation, anything to do with the stomach and intestines la.. coz the rest of the words were too bombastic... oh another thing which i read which made me understood something and open my eyes big about it is... when under stressed, may suffer from eating disorders (which i'm still trying to verify if i ever did, even like currently, when i'm under stress to actually slim down, believe it or not, but under stress from my mom, sis and frens... ) though i know tt i always had problems with eating, like if it's oily or too spicy i kinda will not take it... but tt's not eating disorder... but slowly i realise tt lately, some how, if i ate too oily stuff subconsciously i'll reject the food tt i just ate... now maybe tt's eating disorder? hmmz.. anyway continue... besides eating disorder, this personality type suffers from shopping disorders, sudden urge to shop... haha.. which i don't deny... there are mmts like after exams and stuff whereby i'll look at my sister and say jie let's go shopping... and i'll mass buy... and really mass buy... and agfter which i'll find a sense of satisfaction... another thing... if my room is too messy, i'll feel disorientated... and the last thing... when under stress, will suffer from depression... which i don't deny either... was reading my old diary and i realised how depressed i was as a kid... man even as i was reading like now, what i wrote when i was p 5 to sec 4 scared the hell outta me... i mean it was like, i saw how negative i used to be, like there was this black cloth covering my days... i mean i was writtig poems on ending my life?? i dont' even remember writting them... oh man... but well, i'm please to say, no more ending my life poems any more.. i'm a happier kid these days... though i do suffer from sudden dip in moods... oh well.. interesting book huh?? it's a colour personality book test... :)

And here the story ends.
10:46 PM

Monday, May 24, 2004

i think i ate something wrong... coz my stomach has been rumbling for a long time... maybe it was the excessive guo tie... i had guo tie for dinner... no kidd' abt it, coz all the main dish was guo tie (in the form of individual ones.. or how abt a PANCAKE form) yesh... manz... goodness knows why it was for dinner... now.. i have to clear and detox my body for the next few days... yesh... oh bummer...

And here the story ends.
7:21 AM

Saturday, May 22, 2004

heard the waves today... the feeling was so refreshing... it's like i sat so close to the waves tt everytime the waves rushed to the shore i felt this sense tt i was gonna get eaten up by the waves... like my life would just end then and there... it's really nice u know... and seeing the little ripples form up the sea side... i really love the feeling... and the sound of the waves too... i guess, my mood these days have been like those of the waves, up down down up... u know, i've been getting restless nights, like even though i try to sleep, i can't get to sleep... until like 4 AM or something... and i wake up at like 11 AM.. no everytime the phone makes noise.. like at 7 AM... so basically i'm like taking naps... yea... oh well should go attempt to sleep already... tired

And here the story ends.
9:44 AM

Thursday, May 20, 2004

hmmz... is on loan in queenstown lib. and only available in bukit merah lib. and is not available in lib. and are all out on loan... oh bummer... i was pondering to shop online for the first book... but err.. not sure really not sure.. :(

And here the story ends.
9:45 AM

WHEN SHE LOVED ME... sarah mclachan
when somebody loved me, everything was beautiful,
every hour we spent together lives within my heart,
and when she was sad, i was there to dry her tears...
and when she was happy, so was i...
when she loved me...
through the summer on the phone, we had each other that was all...
just she and i together, like it was meant to be,
and when she was lonely, i was there to comfort her...
and i knew that she loved me...
so the years went by, i'd stayed the same,
but she began to drift away, i was left alone,
but still i waited for the day, when she would say...
i will always love you...
lonely and forgotten, i never thought she'd look my way...
but she smiled at me and held me like she used to do,
like she love me, when she loved me...
when some body loved me, everything was beautiful
every hour we spent together, lives within my heart...
when she loved me...

And here the story ends.
8:08 AM

Tuesday, May 18, 2004

i went e-shopping!!!! muahahahahahahhaa... i think i mad liao... eyeing at a few things though... currently, a black onyx pendant (which apparently, in the store i saw was priced at 54.50!! wah.. but apparently, online so much cheaper just need to buy own chain)... and a pair of pearl earrings (which apparently my sister likes very much) and last but not least!! a CZ ring... quite nice la... as in clean cut and stuff... but yah... :) anyway... it's so interesting... muahahhaa...
hiakz... back to reality... i bought a red necklace today!! an agate stone one from woon hung... the last piece standing in all her shops... and i'm glad i did... i remember seeing tt piece in stores quite some time back so by right should be sold out liao but just my luck!! yippe... heh heh...
hmmz.. my cough is getting a bit better.. but not so much better.. the rash on my neck is coming back once in a while...
anyway... hmmz.. went with my jie to some videographer today.. man.. it was like in a super ulu place... like a school... then it felt really really weird.. coz it was super run down... and the place we had to go was actually a classroom turned office... which i'm simply very amused by it...

And here the story ends.
8:50 AM

Sunday, May 16, 2004

>> diet and lose it all... hmmz... anyway.. after one week break to recupperate.. *disgust* my flabs are turning up again!!! so.... it's back on track.... plan to trim down... anyway... realised something.. something's wrong with my daily life... guess what?? the bad time i am sleeping.... so... i shall attempt to sleep early, wake up (a bit) early... coz u know me as the cannot wake up early kid...
>> waking up early has many good points... 1. to start your metabolism rate 2. u get to do more things.. (one is hope to go to the beach more often to feel air) 3. u get to feel tt the day is longer... shall attempt to start...
>> and any case, something is wrong with my diet too... i should stop my late night snackings, they are putting the extra pounds on me... in replacement of late night snackings of milo and biscuits... err should replace by a cup of warm water...
>> and also.. i think i'm having lotsa water retention... so i'm gonna have to research to see which foods or drinks can help me on water retention part
>> last but not least.... i can go running again!!! yeah!! after being so sick last week.. finally i get to hit on the roads again!!! so happy~! (ac really made me mad... they actually make me like jogging... )

And here the story ends.
7:41 AM

Saturday, May 15, 2004

what an interesting night... my cousin got married... and it was such an interesting affair... weddings make u feel weird... as in really weird... there was this dirty family business going on and all the kids were running around like no one's business... hiakz... sighz... saddened...

And here the story ends.
8:47 AM

Friday, May 14, 2004

the night was a little chilly... another moonless night, with few stars... took a walk only to discover, my legs were tired. sat down by the swing, and wrote in my journal... i was listening to 93.3 then, the dj was reading out this really bitter sweet love story. how this guy fell in love with this ger over chatting on the internet, only to find out, they were both from the same school. went together, had a really fun time. the guy said tt he was poor and had nothing to offer to the ger. but swore tt he will study hard, and make a mark as a doctor. the ger was really sweet, mysteriously gave this guy a file one day. this guy, opened it and to his amazement, it was information on application to be a doctor to various oversea uni... this guy, knew tt this ger had a lot of admirers and was often protective over her and u know guys have this ego thing. he was wary of this particular guy who kept calling her everynight. so he told his gf,"hey, i wanna talk to this guy okay?" but then the gf refused, dont' want to make a big fuss over the entire thing. and so the matter rested. then this gf, wanted to join the school's chinese orchestral, but the guy refused, becoz "the other guy" was part of the orchestral. so they had an argument over it. and her mother had to butt in becoz it was quite a rough one. anyway, the ger joined the orchestral. then it happened. the ger wanted out, becoz she felt pressured by this guy (her bf)... adn so they broke up... after a while, this guy heard tt "the other guy" and this ger went together! he was so furious, he threw it all out on the ger... and sadly, after tt though he knew it was his fault, and tried calling the ger to apologise, she always hang up. such is a real life story... and it's been one year... hmmz.. oh the twines of love...

And here the story ends.
8:56 AM

muahaha... rectified a mistake i made whilst modifying this blog... hmmz.. anyway... dinner today was 2 slices of kaya toast.. wanted to eat 3 but realise there's no kaya left.. :( .. shall go down for a walk later, haven't breathed outside air for 2 days liao... my mummy say compulsory for me to go take a walk, not a run later... hmmz... my cough very funny... i cough until my whole head feels like it wanna explode... dont' know why.. must be too much liquid inside liao... anyway.. hmmz.. its past 9... think i should go down for a walk soon... need to get fresh air too... oh bummer...

And here the story ends.
5:55 AM

WEEE!!!! the new look is out... yesh... a little err... pink la... a bit on the wild side... i kinda liked the eye look u know what i mean.. haha... and nopez.. i'm no way bimbotic.. just like this fresh look for a change... anyway.. spend like probably about 1/2 day trying to modify this... and u know i'm no nutter at comp... in any case.. yuppz.. still down with flu and fever.. though my fever has subsided a bit la... well in any case, hungry... gotta go buy food coz there's none at home.. :(

And here the story ends.
4:12 AM

Tuesday, May 11, 2004

ah... currently am doing up a new image for this little blog... a fresher one i hope... but boy am i gonna miss the old one.. :( oh geesh... anyway... currently have been on home stay for like 3 days already... and it's gonna be extended to the weekends... have this really bad fever, hit 39 degrees and this really contagious cough tt i think my sister caught from me... and my back and tummy muscles hurt so u can imagine how funny i look when i cough, clutching my stomach and bend to the front... haha... oh well, anyway.. time for my lunch.. :)

And here the story ends.
10:33 PM

Thursday, May 06, 2004

wah not bad.. i haven't blogged in here for like almost 2 full weeks... anyway... u know, life this whole week has been really blah blah... really super relaxed.. haha... well a little update... :)
1. i passed TP test, which means i've gotten an extra little plastic card in my wallet. but it can't be put into good use simply becoz i've no keys to a motor vehicle.
2. i got into SMU for the year 2004 -2005. social science wanna study
3. i just skipped my interview for NIE today, which i'm still thinking izzit a good idea to have done tt.
4. NTU and NUS just died on me, no offer letter from either school.
5. i've started this diet, exercise, sleep plan, to lose those extra buldge around my tummy. and it's madness, coz nvr in my life have i eaten so much fruits for a week.
6. i'm currently watching this anime called kono minikuku utsukushii sekai.. and it's really super nice... i love the fantasy side of it all. and akari is so darn cute... though i sense something evil in all the main 4 character, tt has yet to be revealed.
7. currently planning a programme by the youths for shuang qing jie. and it's really pure fun. i get to act as ah ma in her teens, wearing really obiang clothes (like pyjamas looking clothes and big bang earrings, can u imagine the 60s looks? or would i say 50s?) (btw, ah ma is a tau hui seller) but it's really fun, coz the crew is really adorable and things like tt...
8. planning this games day thingy for the youths as well.. in charge of the games side.. and u know, when it comes to games i really like to mess things up, make sure tt day no one stays dry and clean.. hahaha... and there's definitely gonna be a lot of running and stuff like tt.. muahahaha... and i'll just be sitting under a coconut tree drinking some fruit punch and admiring the nice scenary.. haha..
9. i'm gonna start learning how to play jazz piano.. though i must say, it's gonna be tough.. coz i have no jazz background at all.. but i'm really interested to add touches of blues, jazz, bassonava to my nonsensical playing.. wanan spice things up...
10. i'm gonna start getting serious with the keyboard.. shall attempt to excel in keyboard playing... but piano is still my tip-top prioriety.. since i've already started my love-hate affair with it at the age of 5... or was it younger? can't remember...
oh well enough for the mmt... :) a little excessive... hee hee

And here the story ends.
11:53 PM

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