Si.n.g My. L.ov.e

E ger's called Valerie, born 18th jan 1985. A pianist, keyboardist, percussionist. Loves photography, lomo, life. Embraces life with richness of colour.


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02/01/2004 - 03/01/2004
03/01/2004 - 04/01/2004
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11/01/2005 - 12/01/2005
12/01/2005 - 01/01/2006
01/01/2006 - 02/01/2006
02/01/2006 - 03/01/2006
03/01/2006 - 04/01/2006


Drummer drummer
Unique earrings
Levi's jeans

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Da creater


Wednesday, December 29, 2004

u know, after having heard the jazz band played last sat, or was it last fri. i think it was last fri. yuppz. my interests in percussion has relit again. though, i think i'm really out of touch totally. and i'm apprehensive when it comes to playing the drums, since, some how i lack a lot of practice. but as my senior once told me. once a percussionist, always a percussionist. in the new year ahead, i plan to do the following things.
1. time management, dont' wanna be labelled as the always late one.
2. pick up pilates, to heal some old injuries
3. loose some tummy, for beauty and health sake. though health comes first. becoz, going around with a backache half the time is really painful. maybe loosing say 1 kg is good. or 2 kg for that matter.
4. relearn my percussion roots. and hopefully by some time in 2006 or 2007, i'll own some pieces myself. first which is the shaker! u've no idea, how long i've been dreaming to own my personal shaker. not the egg shape one which is selling less then 5 bucks for each. but the real good one that i think cost about more then 20 less then 50 for one?
5. save up to buy a portable synthesizes, to grow in terms of my serving in keyboard. so at least, when i need it some day some where, i've my own and no need to rely on the ones given in church.
6. continue to be exposed to the art of photography. next up, black and white film!
7. continue to be exposed to jazz and blues and all sorts of music. =)
let's be realistic, 7 goals are enough to keep me busy for some time. though, the 6th and 7th one is on-going but the rest is like, hmmmmz.... the first 3 is gonna be a tougher though. anyway, i'm currently planning on starting some business maybe in my twenties or something. coz, life is so mundane. so whilst i crack my brain on my long term goals for business, short term goals are good enough to keep me going.
also, i know i've yet to continue talking about the tsunamis...

And here the story ends.
10:59 PM

Monday, December 27, 2004

u know, many a times. we take things for granted. was watching about the news on the tsunamis tt day at the airport and made me wonder a bit about how many a times, we do no foresee things coming. i wonder, being in singapore, being a "safe" country, with a fantastic government system which i'm rather thankful of. and the only danger tt lurks is possibility of terrorism and another tragedy which may occur is probably yet another "nicoll highway collaspe replay" or "new world hotel reply" or maybe yet another "missing person". but seriously, we as singaporeans should feel really blessed. we have no natural disaster occuring, and we have a non-corrupted government, we have superb education, and the only killing factor might just be stress and tt's it. so i was thinking about this question, after joshua 21 and even just being on the verge of turning 20 and even as 2005 is coming. "why are we here?" "what on earth is our purpose being in singapore?" even as we were once a third world country. how rapidly we actually have grown . u know what is the funny thing about singaporeans? okay, i admit i also have been there done tt. but, the funny thing about singaporean kids, in particular is tt our lives revolve around one thing. "school work". yes i know tt this is very important coz we are suppose to have a good future if we study hard. and we need educated pple to help boost our economy. but the thing is. why are we only so concern about education tt we often take for granted other things in life? and why have we all become so self centred in our own worlds tt we do not very often think of how when we are being so stressed by work, some other less fortunate kids in some poverty striken country is thinking about how to fill his or her tummy for the day? i'm not trying to say tt education is bad. i'm actually an advocate tt we need to study to the best of our capabilities. but the thing is, we should not take for granted things in our livelihoods. even a short 30 min mrt ride is something to be thankful of. think about traffic in bangkok and compare it. or let's say our 5% gst, for tt think of in new zealand where i do believe the taxes are like 25% or so? or even drinking water. though, i do believe tt one day we may have some national tragedy becoz of tt. *choy choy* but we cannot take drinking water for granted. even though i do remember the worst water i've taste in singapore was the water cooler water in ny, where it just plainly tastes lkike medicine. i just feel that above all of these, we all should feel really blessed and tt we should, becoz of how much we're given, give to others. alright, i shall continue about this in a short whilst, whilst i go for my drama practice and ponder more about lives around us.

And here the story ends.
10:25 PM

Wednesday, December 22, 2004

"haven't blogged this in ages sia... anyway, currently now suffering from backahces due to the endless baking of brownies... i feel so oily and sticky... but i smell of brownies tts for sure.. anyway, it's like into the 8th hour baking this stupid browniesl.... okie i won't say it's stupid... but it's just a little slow in baking... hmmmz... it's like, a small pan of 4 takes like what 30 min to bake and the big one of 8 takes approx 1.5 hours to bake.... yuppz.. u heard me... tts why i've taken approx from 2 pm to 530 pm which is 3.5 hours. and from 8 pm to now 11 pm which is another 3 hours. so in total 6.5 hours already... and also i think i need yet another 1.5 hours to finish up.. so means in total 8 hours or even more... but u know whats the thing? tmr.. i'm going to mango sale.. so means i'll be dead tired.. nvr mind shall take a nap tmr instead.. =) hee hee... anyway, yuppz.. tts what i've to say currently.. now i think i should take a bath or something after i finish mixing my final box of brownies mix... hee hee"

And here the story ends.
7:12 AM

Wednesday, December 08, 2004

watched national treasure with bing, min and gan... =) it's quite a nice show you know... like, it was a show tt would captivate you from start till end. though, i was coughing throughout the show. the ljs too heaty sia... anyway.. decided to prevent from eating heaty food for the next 2 weeks or so.. u know why?? i think my body temp is rising. becoz 2 days ago. my back exploded with ugly pimples. i also don't know why. they just occured. like a bad rash. but on closer look it resembles pimples.. freaks out. .. and i need to wear a tube dress this friday!!!! ARGH... what timing.. =( .. looks liek my guardian angel is on strike.. not doing the job properly...

And here the story ends.
8:06 AM

Thursday, December 02, 2004

2300 yea. it's over. a sweet ending. with lots of wonderful food thrown in. haha... anyway, i'm free!!!!! 2320 - went walking down orchard road with my ny friends. we went ga ga literally. then at 0100 i went back to the hotel room only to be greeted by big stash of money sitting on the floor. stun the bowl of fruits at the lift lobby and had fresh fruits to eat for the night. funny... talked till 0200 till i decided i was tired. and i had no place to stay so i went home. 0300 conked out ...

And here the story ends.
1:28 AM

1900 - every one is dressed except the bride. my goodness. and she's still jumping around with make up and casual clothes. my ac friends are here. *hugs* they were in town, and they heard it was my jie's wedding they all popped by. invited them for cocktail but they all said they felt underdressed for the occasion. hmmmmz. 1945 my ny friends and church friends are here!!! yea... *hugs too* started talking about interesting stuff. got mistaken for the bride. hmmmz.... 2000 dinner about to start. i start looking for jie. 2030 ready set go!!! dinner is almost beginning. my jie is at the door. everyone watched a montage on my jie and jie fu. very funny. everyone started laughing when they showed my jie's photo. u know why?? SHE LOOKED THE SAME WHEN SHE WAS YOUNG AND NOW. seriously. once u see her baby photo u'll say. oh tts victoria. and then they laughed again at a photo of my daddy and jie. why?? they were both looking at something. on the right. funny photo. candid i'll say. 2045 doors open. my cousins walked in. pple would probably think how come they strunk in size. hmmmmmz...... then my jie and jie fu stepped in. ah.... radiance of a bride. 2050 1st dish! cold dish! not exactly my fav type since it's erm.... jelly fish??? tell you about the menu of the day. 1st dish - cold dish. 2nd dish - is sharks fin... yum yum... 3rd dish - is fried scallop in yam and a ball of i don't know what. 4th dish - abalone. everyone gets 2 individual abalone. of different kind. lovely. 5th dish - chicken. this is seriously nice u know.... it's the restaurant's trade mark. 6th dish - FISH!!! GLORIOUS FISH!!!!!!!! as u can tell i love eating fish. esp those steam fish tt doesn't have fishy taste or smell.. i love sea bass esp. yum yum. but i don't knwo what fish is this. a bit hard. but who cares. it's fish. 7th dish - hmmmmz.. *thinks* i think it's ee-fu noodles. *pats tummy* full.... 8th dish - melting hearts. aka hagen daiz ice cream shaped like a cake. yuppz yuppz.. very delicious ain't it??? anyway, back to the time scehdule. got a bit taken away by the food menu. 2100 something is very wrong with my table. everyone seems so stern and stone. lost track of time. but this is what happened between 2100 to 2300 got up after 1st dish, to help my jie change into her evening gown. she left me behind and i had to run after her in high heeled slip in. and i walked not very glamorously, for my shoe kept falling off. the strap is too loose! and what horrendoursly many crystal buttons my jie's gown had. bridal veil's trade mark. geee.... anyway, came back down to gulp down the 2nd dish, and 3rd dish and 4th dish. in the midst i talked with my friendsand teased each other.. and for the second walk in. they played a videograph of the morning's affair. very funny it began like this. *once there was a princess* then shots of my jie, *who was waiting for her prince charming* then shots of my little cousin. i don't know why. but then, shots of my jie fu. *but then, there was the evil step sisters* then shots of the jie mei's. we've been demoted to being evil. then shots of the food. bla bla. *but then, all they wanted was...... * then they showed my cousin holding up a 10 buck crisps note. very funnnnny... and then, they showed. the tea ceremony at both sides. an endless affair, * words of wisdom* then their colleagues retold of how they both met. and told about how one guy received a mushy email from my jie accidentally which was supposedly to be sent to charlie kor kor. (which my jie to this date scold me about. coz, apparently tt time when she sent it i was irritating her by asking her to quickly use the net and then i needed to use it. so click... and she sent to the wrong guy during the rush) but all well ends well... they both wed. maybe i did help in the progress coz, i think it became an open secret. hahahahahahahhahaha... ah back to the video *and they did live happily ever after* (prior to tt shot, they showed my cousin. being very speechless... ) ah anway, and then had to rush back up to help my jie outta the evening gown and into the kwa. so red hor. the kwa. and we both had to change in the storeroom near the kitchen. and eveytime my jie changed into a gown, i changed my sash. so from a brown sash with flower. to a black demonte ( i liked tt one very very much) to a choc brown coarse grain ribbon. and a flower. back to the kwa. she had less then 5 min to change. and with tt the desert was served. ooh.. i had my double serving, coz being at the vip table meant tt i get to eat double share!!! =)

And here the story ends.
1:22 AM

27th November 2004 sister's wedding. 0700 - wakey wakey. my jie's already done with her make up and hair. and i just dragged myself out of bed to bathe and wash up. 0715 - rush to get dressed. and make up to be done. hmmz, not good. lighting is very bad. but still managed to pull something off. 0745- very hungry. made my cousin wake up to get dressed. 0800 - most of the jie mei's are here already. but then, dear sister me still struggling to get the room tidy. cousin is finally dressed. 0805 - oh my, the groom is here too early!!!! jie mei's have made all the "sabo" ready already. cousin goes down to give the xiong di's the letter of challenge. CHALLENGE to climb 19 stories, and on the way up, carry bottles of drink and whatever they can find left lying on the corridor. (they stunned a poor kid's bicycle too). 0815 - why on earth are they upstairs and outside my door?? too fast!!! the xiong di's haggle price. (my sister is not a typical bride. she jumps and hops and joins in the haggling price fun. wearing shoes in the house. the only day where she gets away with wearing shoes in the house.) 0830 - price not fixed. but we received 2 credit cards already. the jie mei's threaten to use both to go online shopping at tiffany's. my mummy soft hearted wants to let the pple in. 0830 - price settled. i rush into the room. and my jie eagerly awaits the mmt. / outside, the xiong di's were forced to eat 2 whole loaves of bread spread with wasibi and peanut butter and strawberry jam. and were made to glup down strawberry drink and banana milk and honeydew milk. my jie fu seems happy. the xiong di seems horrified. jie fu made to make a strawberry heartshaped bread for my sister. my mummy became soft hearted, gave my jie fu the keys to the room. 0845 - off we go to the aunt's place. too early... too early... one of the jie mei's had a minor car incident. 0850 - reach the aun't's place and shuffled up to the room to wait. 0930 - still waiting. 1000 - still waiting. 1030 - finally. tea ceremony. got bitten by a lot of mosqi. and a cousin who keeps jumping up and down the sofa. 1100 - photo taking. 1130 - more photo taking. 1200 - finally!!! home at last. tea ceremony 2. had to serve tea to my jie too... =) 1300 - lunch... starving.... 1330 - more photo taking??? whats with photo taking??? 1400 - off to esplanade!!!! for?!?!?!? MORE PHOTOTAKING... hahahahhaa.... the sky was blue. beautiful. i was pespiring like shit. bought strawberry coated with choc to eat. lovely. =) my heels are already killing me. some one quick carry me. dying away only. 1500 - off to marriot we go!!!! 1515 - reach liao. SHAGGED.... 1530 - finally got the key to the suite. 2016. nice floor. and oh there's a plate of fruits outside. the room is huge. with a little pagoda tray tts filled with choc, cake, and fruits. we just munched away. leg is very shag, and why does my dress keep slipping down??? 1600 - chillling.............. now i've a big problem. how am i to go down to buy something to eat when i only have a pair of high heels and a lilac dress tt's fit for a dinner occasion??? my jie changed into casual clothes and outta her make up. 1615 - wore a black pull over. the esprit one. with the flower, and my sister's gold slip in. ready to go!!!! 1630 made to go 7 -eleven to buy stuff. wore my sister's lilac harvanas. looked like a fashion disaster. there's no one other day where u'll spot val wearing lilac dress with a black pull over. and lilac havanas. 1645 no face left liao la... got back to marriot. shagged. oh my room key is here. 1815 finally! slept on the comfy bed. 1730 phone rang. time for my make up. rush upstairs. parents not here yet. how i change into my dress??? 1800 plopped onto the chair and let the make up artist do her job. told her to do a messy bun for me. 1830 finally done. changed into my dress. my sister looks like some princess with all the sparkles on her skin and hair. the make up artist must have put like an entire bottle of glitter on her. gee. but she looks pretty. even though she WAS still in casual clothes. my jie went down with full make up, and casual clothes to meet my jie fu. not very glamorous.

And here the story ends.
12:57 AM

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