Si.n.g My. L.ov.e

E ger's called Valerie, born 18th jan 1985. A pianist, keyboardist, percussionist. Loves photography, lomo, life. Embraces life with richness of colour.


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Wednesday, March 30, 2005

as i was saying. yesh prawns... i love prawns.. but i think besides the animals and the food.. one thing about pulau ubin tt draws pple there is the landscape. the old kampung feel. (i fell in love with this pink coloured house, whihc i've named it the nippon house), the authencity it has compared to the conserved shop houses in china town. the roofs of many of the houses are broken and overgrown with plants. and pple burning wood acting as insect repellant? i mean, i didn't know about such thing till i noticed one myself. men, walking around tanned and topless. and must i say MUSCULAR. and even the women folk they can make any teenage ger on the streets embarrased coz their way much tanner. u can spot wells at far end of the island. my fav spot is actually the beach nearest to johore. the shores were much cleaner, and the sky was just brilliantly lit. the quarry was also very beautiful. tranquil and peaceful. fishermen catchign crabs and fish. (u know u can catch sea bass and groupas i think.. at pulau ubin? one day, i shall arm myself.. and go fishing...) alright! i'm going to bed!!!! =) tata~!

And here the story ends.
10:19 AM

aye aye aye... hee hee.. still picking up time to blog... =) oh well.. anyway, i had a great weekend!!! coz, i went on a trip to pulau ubin.. it was really fun u know... sat the bum boat, reached the little island at about 10 am. i think. then cycled for 6 hours aroudn the entire island (besides the OBS side, coz tts out of bounds.. literally) till my butt ACHED... but before i touch on tt let me tell u the little secrets of pulau ubin.. at least from my 6 hours of experience with the island. the island is free for all, but unless u drop down from the sky, or is an islander there, darling, u've gotta pay $2 for the ride there. (1 trip i must add... for a round about, pay $4 in total) but from what i know,it's definitely more refreshing then taking the mrt so, i dont' mind paying for tt $4. renting a bike for a day cost about $2 to $8. depending on how new it is. mind u, its for the entire day and not an hour or what, (like those tt they charge in east coast... extortion). the island is has 25 families in total (not sure if they have decreased over the years though.) and, there's a head man's house. and each motor vehicle has a license plate tt says PU something something. a pity tt it has become commercialized over the past few years, with roads becoming tarred and solid black. unlike a few years back where the roads were unsafe, comprising of gravel. if u want to see monkeys swinging around freely > darling, head to bukit timah hill.. here, in pulau ubin, i didn't even see a single monkey (must be in hiding), although i did see a rooster and chickens running around and making weird noise (these chickens are actually the ancestors of the domesticated chickens in seng choon egg farm etc) and pulau ubin is the only place u can find them running around wild. there is a spectacular array of wildlife. (maybe one day i'll run into a wild boar) but i did almost run over a monitor lizard (but a tiny one) no i think it's called iguana.. yea, almost cycled across it. thankfully there's some thing called brakes. i met a swarm of mosqi seriously, a swarm. and something tt looks like locusts cum hornets (don't know what are they actually...) lotsa beautiful butterflies (beats going to the butterfly park at sentosa). the food on the island is really delicious. better then the 25 bucks chicken rice at the mandarin hotel. perhaps it was my hungry stomach.. tts why.. but the sweet and sour chicken i ate was simply superb. $4 some more.. cheaper... i spend most of my money on coconuts though... tried some authentic pulau ubin coconut. tinge of sweetness.. but couldn't beat the thailand coconut though... a pity. was very tempted to buy 7 coconuts back, coz the sign read (buy 7 get 1 free) but i doubt i can carry by myself... but i was definitely veyr tempted to buy prawns back for my mum... (they sell fresh prawns on the island)

And here the story ends.
10:02 AM

Wednesday, March 23, 2005

i was suddenly reminded of this song.. tt i loved... from a memory so long ago...
passenger seat, death cab for the cuties> i rolled the window down, and then began to breathe... the darkest country road, and the strong scent of evergreen from the passenger seat, as you were driving me home... then, looking upwards, i strained my eyes and drive... to tell the difference between shooting stars and satellites from the passenger seat, as you were driving me home... do they collide? i ask and you smile.... with my feet on the dash, the world doesn't matter... when you feel embarrassed, i'll be your pride. when u need direction and i'd be the guide. for all times..... for all times.... <
it brings a bittersweet smile to my face... things tt u do for a living... things you have to make in life... *tired*

And here the story ends.
8:46 AM

dear beloved frens.. old ones and young ones... HELLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i know i know.. the blog is rotting away..simply becoz, i've been so busy with school work, i dont' even have the free time to watch my animes (seee now u know why i've not watched naruto... but i've caught up, am at 125 now!), let alone to blog! =) for the past 2 weeks.. it's project work day in day out... and by the time night comes.. i'm so tired i conk out... seee, i dont' even have the leisure time to go shopping with the gers.. *miss ya so much u know, i'm always rushing off* feeel so bad... so once my term break starts..LET"S GO SHOPPING!!! OR HIGH TEA!!!!!!
well.... talking about whcih my term break i think i'm gonna fill it with activities like... 1. (believe u me, i'm gonna write 2 term paper on divorce and their effects on young children and another one on divorce and the family) on my own.. cuckoo rihgt... hahaha.. but i think it's fun... 2. teach tuition to earn money for mission trips. 3. go thailand or m'sia with the gers.. 4. errr.. still thinking.. =P weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee ...
just had 3 presentations in 2 days. tiring.. but nevertheless i'm still alive..
tonight still have to go home to do some more work... life in school from 730 to 645 is a killer..
just for your info.. do u know tt... u need more sleep as u grow up? its not true tt infants need more sleep then us... and tt we can tahan 4 hours of sleep.. WRONG WRONG... all young adults are required to sleep at least 8 hours per day.. (i know army says 7 hours) but u need it to be awake and thins like tt.. depriving yourself of sleep would only make u have this thing called sleep debt (correct me if i'm wrong) and tt by sleeping a lot on one day and stretching your sleep throughout the entire week is not as good as sleeping 8 hours a day...
if u wanna know why i know such interesting things. take psych.. haha..
okieokie.. time to sign off for today.. shall fill this up more.. when i've the time.. hopefully some time tmr!

And here the story ends.
12:55 AM

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