Si.n.g My. L.ov.e

E ger's called Valerie, born 18th jan 1985. A pianist, keyboardist, percussionist. Loves photography, lomo, life. Embraces life with richness of colour.


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12/01/2005 - 01/01/2006
01/01/2006 - 02/01/2006
02/01/2006 - 03/01/2006
03/01/2006 - 04/01/2006


Drummer drummer
Unique earrings
Levi's jeans

My feelings______

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Da creater


Tuesday, May 31, 2005

dear beloved friends... something worth waiting for... my jewelery pieces... heh heh... but it's still on the way though. so yuppz stay tuned k? been so busy doing odd jobs and designing the earring pieces and crafting them by hand... it gives off an interesting sense of satisfaction... once it's up and running, i'll annouce it and your must support hor.. hahahahahaha... =P anyway, next week going to china liao.. for mission trip. so fast lor. haven't gotten the time to sit down and pack my stuff... and in the mean time have been doing like survey, and soon sell ice cream.. exciting ehz.. and in my free time, doing earrings.. =) okie, time to go sleep!

And here the story ends.
10:16 AM

Tuesday, May 24, 2005

guess what? i cooked dinner tonight! and guess what. i cooked chili crab! wah.... not bad right.. from a girl who was once banned from the kitchen in fear tt i might blow something up... to knowing how to cook.. hahaha... =) (though, i still dont' know how to cook rice.. must aks my mum next time) maybe i've hidden talents for cooking, u nvr know.. haha... but cooking is really fun... as i've discovered it to be... so for those out there who say they don't know hot to cook. fear not! coz, by some weird turn of fate, u'll learn and even be impressed with yourself! hahaha...

And here the story ends.
12:02 PM

Friday, May 20, 2005

so what happens when a disciplined family meats a non-discipline family? bam,.. u have yet another reality tv.. this time its called wife swap... and whats so interesting? what i learn from the show is, there is a reason why pple get married, and stay married... u can't just swap your husband for another... u know... there's a reason why god placed your kids as your kids... and not some one else's kids.. becoz, he wants u to learn in a family according to the best tt your parents can... he knew the exact genetics tt your made up of... it was hilarious sitting in front of the tv for 30 min to watch tt show... coz, if u ask me to swap my mum or my dad for another mum and dad.. i doubt i'll like it.... my parents are the best for me! and anyway, whilst i was watching the show.. this is what happened.. the 'rule mum' made rules in a family tt lives on no rules... and, made vegetable meal for a family tt has been eating snacks, beef etc for their live (btw, they are really darn fat...) anyway, the 'no rule mum' made beef for the entire family and allowed the kids to snack all they want whole day, allowed them to watch cable tv... no spanking in the familoy etc... and it was hell for both family. the no rule family was torture fied... coz, they had to wake up to do chore.. and the ruled family.. had to endure the pains of eating meat every day.. *and they put on weight* anyway, it's really funny... coz, it's just amusing how, the wives are so dominant in making new life in the family... anyway, time for my nap.. becoz i've to wake up at 300 am later so.. yuppz better go sleep first.. =)

And here the story ends.
8:35 AM

Wednesday, May 18, 2005

having so much fun making my own beads... different design and stuff.. i did some research on the beads tt are available and i concluded one thing.. it's either i've auntie taste. or, cutsie looka likes are not my cup of tea..becoz i suddenly realise there are a lot of lookalikes... like, a lot are like copied from stores u see... u know, tt day i went to this bead shop at far east. i felt so insulted by the lady.. even though, yes i know she meant well/.... when i was looking for the parts to put together for a very long time she said this..hi, u looking for something? why not u look at the earrings we have and see what u need. 1. i don't like to copy cutsie lookalikes.... 2. why should i copy your store design? i might as well buy from u right? but oh well, i know she meant well so i didn't push any more... anyway, created these 2 earrings. 1 is oriental looking, another is err very femine... kinda like it a lot... oh well
but plan to make a lot of design and then promote or market it to my fellow friends so *ERM ERM* yea, u who are reading this.. u know liao what to do k? hahahhahaha.. =) anyway, it's fun u know seriously! though, i don't think i've the ample equipment.. but, do within my means.. and to think what stirred me to really create pieces is becoz i wanted to churn money for mission fund.. or rather, when i really have nothing to eat... brilliant way of ensuring my creativity juice is still flowing... =) heh heh

And here the story ends.
9:53 AM

Monday, May 16, 2005

dear beloved frens.. the next time u look at a singapore coin.. look at it in a different light.... u see, i a little bored.. and being very broke, i decided to open up my piggy bank... and guess what... i got hooked onto seeing when each coin was 'born' and guess what.. it's truly amazing, coz from the coins itself u can tell what singapore needed at the particular point... like, from observation.. 1997 was the year all the coins were the shiniest... and, tt 1995 was the time (my guess la.. is tt got emphasis on gst) coz a lot of 5 cents... and 1 cents as well... and then.. the period of time with the least coins are 1992 coz i've none 1992 except for a pathetic 1 cent coin. so....................... ladies and gentlemen do a favour... when u look at the coin... check for these years and cents... 20 cents 1992,1994,1995,1998,1999,2000,2001,2002,2003.,2004,2005; 10 cents1992,1994,1995,1996,1997,1998,1999,2000,2001,2002,2004,2005; 5 cents1985,1991,1992,1993,1994,1996,1998,1999,2002,2005; tts all i'm looking at now though.. coz, 1 cents is out of phase.. and i'n not tt rich to look into 50 cents and 1 bucks yet.. hahaha.. =) was looking at the ebay there's this seller selling the 1992 entire set of coins for 14.45 usd... ARGH.. so EX!!!! so.. frens.. help me look out k?/ =) hee hee... i'll gladly change it with u...

And here the story ends.
10:02 AM

Sunday, May 15, 2005

yea!!! i just received my super belated birthday present from tom... =) guess what?? it's a smena 2!!!! it is so authetic, it has the smell of an antique.... serious! when i first got it i was so ultra careful, coz i scared i would smash it or something... now, i can say... this is my 4th lomo cam! first was my lca, a present from kevin, then a super sampler my sister's which apparently, my jie fu made spoil... hmmmz.... then got the frog eye, a present from kevin for birthday this year.... which i haven't gotten a chance to use yet.. coz, it's an underwater cam! and now my super super antique camera... smena 2! from tom!!! so blessed u know... wah.... oh then, my parents bought this unknown brand auto cam... hmmmz tt has no zooming in and out at... 400 bucks plus... wah.. tt one i really feel the heart ache.. coz, it's not really very good *in my eyes la..* but hiakz.. what to do what to do... now. all i need is to find film to start taking pictures!!! =) so exciting!!!

And here the story ends.
9:21 PM

Thursday, May 12, 2005

you know.. it's how amazing God provides... it's like... 2 weeks into my low budget ways... and, i think there's not one day i starved.. instead i think i've eaten a lot u know... hahaha.... it's so interesting, coz... the only think i've cut back on is the shopping... hope tt some how,i can manage to buy this white suit i've been eyeing on at mng for some time alreayd during the sale or something.. my take on it.. if it's yours its yours if its not yours then just wait.. something better will come along... anyway, it's so interesting coz in my free time, have been spending time creating jewellery pieces as some of you might know... the strange thing is i had interest in creating my own pieces quite some time back but nvr put my heart into it.. until recently my jie wanted to buy this extra expensive necklace for 98 bucks... and i said, i think it's super ex, come lemme just do oe for u or something tt cost much cheaper.. all right.. i think, i did make one tts relatively cheaper. but it's a little cluster-ish.. so... i think i'll just go ahead and attempt to do simpler but chic pieces.. but ever since i've got hooked.. and i've this inspiration to make this scarlet series (obviously red), but i've yet to come across great beads so.. it's still kiv... though i managed to chance on this beautiful green beads at some ulu shop... and i think once i get my hands on more similar beads.. i'm gonna do a bracelet and sell it... or maybe i'll give it to my mom...hahaha... now into my oriental mode... so.. hahahaha.... and now, i've name 2 shops my fav bead shops for the small little stuff... but SHHHHH it's going to be kept a secret unless of coz, i think one or 2 pple know it coz i told you... but... SHHHH.. it shall be val's fav haunts... so SHHHH.... and u know what.. i think the more commercialised bead market in singapore sells beads at a HIGH price... so... i'm just going to go around singapore to search for nicer beads... at a cheaper price... muahahaha... next week plan to go to like chinatown or arab street or little india... maybe i shall go little india coz i love the culture, sight and intriguing designs there... (if u didn't know.. yes, i prefer the indian saris design and the bangles and the bling bling of the indian culture a lot...) come on! i love mustafa! =) hahahaha... great stuff there u know... hahaha.. all the orchard area is too commercialized and too how would i say, it eats your money up... oh well.. talking about which,, i better get going to research more...

And here the story ends.
11:46 PM

Sunday, May 01, 2005

hmmmz... u know, i've not experienced being so broke since i was jc 2. i sometimes wonder, how on earth did i actually managed to survive with just 10 bucks per week in my pocket. but, of coz.. i could save on my transportation fees then coz i just walk home and walk back... tts all... yesterday was the 1st time in my life, i was so hungry, i almost cried. and it's unbearable one u know.. but after doing some calculations, i just realise.. i seriously have 0 cents. to even last. thankfully, my ez link card still got money. and stuff... so.. yuppz... think about it. not i'm just worried about transport. can't possibly, i walk to school right? it's how far.... don't eat nvr mind. dont' buy drink nvr mind. coz, can fill from the tap... so it's okay. but. hmmmz... transport? wake up at 6. 00 am every morning then take 2 hours stroll hahahaha.. no la... dont' need so crazy... 1. 5 hours should do just fine... hahaha... k, laughing at myself... haizk.. but what good is it to keep thinking and go according to my own strenght right? pray, tt by god's grace i'll survive through this 5 weeks lor.. =) then after tt.. once hit june.. yea... hahaha... and who knows.. i'll lose my tummy involuntarily.. to be exact, i think it's already half gone... hahahahaha...

And here the story ends.
7:56 AM

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