Si.n.g My. L.ov.e

E ger's called Valerie, born 18th jan 1985. A pianist, keyboardist, percussionist. Loves photography, lomo, life. Embraces life with richness of colour.


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Drummer drummer
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Levi's jeans

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Wednesday, October 26, 2005

ARGHHHHH... it's the last month of the study term.... feel thy stress of project and exams... at the same time there is dance and choir.. thinking of not joining choir, coz... i don't think i'll be able to attend the practices. think about it, 2 weeks i'm down for exams, one week away for hols, come back, still got time to practice meh??? then i'll be done for chingay ushering planning... hmmmz... anyway, time for me to adjust my time... how? i shall attempt to wake up at 7 am everyday till the end of the exams... and sleep by midnight every night.. need the extra time to study... for this week till next monday, i shall spend time finishing off politics... then, next week, got 2 hols right?? i shall spend it on rmss term paper, and sociology term paper. and then, i can happily start studying for my exams... sigh.. on top of which, have to juggle church stuff, there's dance, musician, and meetings after meetings.. i dont' know if it's becoz my intelligence drop or what, but i've not been doign as well as i should in school, that's one very bad issue... grades is not the end of the world, but... i've responsibility to my parents to do well... anyway, time for lessons

And here the story ends.
9:37 PM

Monday, October 17, 2005

father, teach me. Teach me how to listen more to your word. Teach me how to walk your path. Teach me how to move on in life, teach me to draw strength from you to do so. Father, teach me to love all my friends more, teach me to sacrifice more time to spend with them, to enjoy their presence, and really, be able to interact with them from the bottom of my heart even more. Father, teach me to understand your word. I really need the growth in you, i've been stagnant for too long, too unhealthy. I need to be inspired again oh lord. Father, Teach me your ways...

And here the story ends.
11:03 AM

am listening to sermon online now... by jennifer heng.. on one voice the power of corporation.. u know... think about it... i've been saying that i'm not receiving enough from sermons in church.. tt i crave to learn more... but then.. i never realise that.... there's sermons online! u know.. i'm not trying to say that being in a chinese min is bad.. just tt.. being english educated, listening to english sermons are much easier to understand directly.. and everytime i go for the sermons in english i can relate better.. coz, i won't be always trying to twist the words in my mind from chinese to english.. but, i decided.. i shall listening to a sermon per day..though, i might not be able to finish listening to today's sermon.. but will try... to finish a little... anyway.. in regards to today's sermon.. is about why corporate worship is good...

And here the story ends.
11:01 AM

almost a month after. updates! new stuff tt is not reflected on myfairydust has been launched at inqbox. so do go take a look! =)

And here the story ends.
6:30 AM

I NEED TO REVAMP MY CLOSET!!!! actually, i think i've already have... hahahha... lost inspiration to shop actually.. but i couldn't resist buying some tops when i went to zara... am into the french way of dressing with all the lace and girly frills... like, tt time i bought this purplish tank with the gathers on the strap... then... there's this spag which i've not worn yet... tts also purple, quite nice... then... actually tt's all i bought... hahahahaha... but recently, my sis dumped a lot of clothes out... amazingly, i can wear some... so, i've new stuff... =) but what i've really been ooogling at... is a boyish laced shirt from zara.... thinking what on earth i can wear it with... it truly is very nice... to me la... my sis hates it... but i love it... it looks boyish in a way, but sexyish boyish... alright... what am i talking... it's a little translucent.. so if i want to wear it to church, i've gotta wear a tank top or tube inside... but, it really looks french. truly, french... anyway, there's another shirt tt's nice too.. it has this high collar... but u know what's stopping me from buying both??? one is 119 the other is 89... where i get the money to buy??? hahahha... so i'm thinking over it seriously.... but for the mmt.. i'm like looking at my closet and.. trying to mix and match all my clothes differently...

And here the story ends.
6:26 AM

Sunday, October 09, 2005

i so need a new skin for my blog... need some refreshing changes again... the hols are here... got so many things to do.. it's project after project... u know, some how, i think i truly lost my spirit of going out... esp to town... i've no idea why.. it just doesn't seem to entice me as much as when i was in sec school... some how, i lost tt feeling man... i'm so much happier cramped at home, in front of the tv set, or maple, or playing with hammies... though, it's not a good sign.. i wonder, if it's becoz after u enter uni and u spend so much of your time outside trying to finish up your homework tt... simply, staying at home is such a privilege or is it becoz.. i'm now so lazy i won't mind going out as long as there is private transport home..actually i think it's becoz i hate walking long distances now... it's just the ache in the knee tt drives me nuts and if u walk for too long, u get all dizzy and tired.. (signs of not exercising enough..) anyway, the chingay parade preparations are coming up soon.. gonna be one long, i don't know what.. but sure is exciting.. the only thing is i can't wait for the ndp preparations u know.. i'm like so pro-ndp... i love esp the planes flying.. gorgeous gorgoeous.. i so think it's a silent fetish of mine to see planes fly pass.. more then ships... i love love LOVE helicopters esp... ARGH... i so can't talk properly for the next few days and tmr have what??? FT formal dinner... and, u must do net working.. and how am i to even eat in peace or talk properly when there are ULCErS in my mouth! and pple, i'm embarking on my getting back into shape programme... after JC i think i've put on some weight that some folks are complaining already... i so have to lose it lor... when i get well, i shall start running again...i swim weekly though.. so that's not too much of a problem... maybe i should stop doing so much sit up and just lose the flubber... then.... ah ha! good good.... okie, talking nonsense... start of my hols... and i'm so disoriented... all i want to do is to sleep and sleep and sleep... oh gee...

And here the story ends.
7:30 AM

Sunday, October 02, 2005

NEWS ALERT! NEWS ALERT! HAMMIES INVASION! not one not two not evn three but four has made their debut at my house. living harmoniously (so far) in the cage of hammie's it's been approx about one month 2 weeks since hammie passed away and in his place, 4 hammies have called his home, their home. actually one of them looks like hammie, act like hammie too... why le? u see the 4 hammies right.. 2 are specially crossed bred and are white winter dwarves. the other, which resembles hammie, is a brownish grey wintrer dwarf. the character also a bit like, becoz... that hammie is the most relax out of the whole gang. feeling right at home, once put into the cage.. whereas its the 2 white babies that are like exploring, biting cage, jittery and not sleeping! the last one is a roboskvi. at the mmt their all in the same cage living harmoniously, but once fighting starts between the robosvki and winter whites then i'll seperate them... their all one month old, independent and has a full coat of fur. eating every other hour. so, i guess i need to put in tons of food. now for their names... the 2 twins white ones is called fluffos and pampers, fluffos being the one who's a little fatter. the hammie lookalike is called fruity tv. and the roboskvi is called toothy. weirdly, they are all seemingly friendly to each other. maybe in a few days time i can determine their gender and realise why they are so calm towards each other.. hammie's politics.. hahahha....

And here the story ends.
8:08 PM

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