Si.n.g My. L.ov.e

E ger's called Valerie, born 18th jan 1985. A pianist, keyboardist, percussionist. Loves photography, lomo, life. Embraces life with richness of colour.


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Drummer drummer
Unique earrings
Levi's jeans

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Friday, December 23, 2005

welll well... been a month since i last blogged.. life couldn't be more exciting... a lot has happened over the past weeks... lemmesay it one by one.... it all started out when i got involved in a minor car accident when i drove rui home... (which caused me to be very afraid to sit in any form of moving vehicle... have this weird vivid imagination of cars banging into one another) then, i lost my handphone in a fitting room in zara... my E700a... sigh.... then... i lost my camera... which is less then 4 months old... i still remember tt day, i kept crying and crying over the lost of my camera... becoz, i was very frustrated that all these things are just coming... but it did not stop there... this week has been such a whirl of events.... first fluffos... my beloved hamster, accidentally hang itself.... yes, HANGED itself... then... i found out my sister mis-birth... i was so looking forward to being an aunt... what's more.... my childhood friend was involved in a bike accident... and lying in hospital... pretty sad chain of events... as she was lying there in the bed... witrh slurred speech, my heart just felt really painful... even though we have not spoken for quite some time, there are those people whom u know in your childhood days, tt bond can never be changed... i thankgod she's alive... but seeing her in pain, makes me feel awfully sad... and the mmt she goes in and out of consciousness.... makes me wanna cry.... actually i did... life, is so short... one mistake and you can be gone... through it i learn something though from all th sad chain of events... material things is something u can always earn back... but when it comes to loved ones... even though, how bad things may be... must love them more... and forgive and forget... if not sometimes it may be too late... sorry is the hardest thing to say?? not being able to say sorry, will kill a relationship... anyway, talking about relationship.. i was sitting downstairs just now waiting for car and i had to over hear quite an interesting conversation... basically, there this lady screaming at this guy that he does not love her and that he has been cheating on her and he is a liar.... worst.... he cheated her of money... so she was screaming at him to return money... that is not it... the interesting part was when she screamed at him, either to return her the cash, or to break up with that ger... and she went to do another step.. she checked out the airport for tickets... for his name... and found out that he has lied to her, by saying he is out with the other ger.... anyway, the moral of the story is... love and money are 2 separate things.. have to keep them both aside till after marriage... if not it might be tricky... next.... never ever two time! and worst.. never fall for a person, when the person is dating some one... and the evil of them all.. never ever ever fall for married man or woman... deadly... especially rich ones... yuppz.. tts all i can say... ha ha...

And here the story ends.
8:11 AM

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