Si.n.g My. L.ov.e

E ger's called Valerie, born 18th jan 1985. A pianist, keyboardist, percussionist. Loves photography, lomo, life. Embraces life with richness of colour.


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Drummer drummer
Unique earrings
Levi's jeans

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Tuesday, January 17, 2006

happy birthday to me!!! ha ha.. it's quite hilarious, but i'm gonna turn 21 in my international econs class, since i was born at 11.34 am... so... yuppz.. and my class ends at 11.45 ha ha ha...

but it doesn't feel any much difference, except 21 comes with more responsibilities, like now i must remember to vote during elections, if not i might get jailed...

and now i can register my future businesses by myself and remember to pay my taxes, if not i would get fined...

and now whatever i do, i can get jailed... so come more reponsibilities.. ha ha..

the saving grace? the prof is funny...

and tt'll mean i can spend my 21 birthday totally from morning.. =)

Si.n.g My. L.ov.e

And here the story ends.
5:45 PM

my 21st birthday is turning out to be a night mare... the party went great... but, as i'm closer to 12 hours to being 21... i'm getting even more paranoid... maybe i should just spend the hours by myself, at some sea side looking at the sea, to reflect on life and people around me... throw away all expectations and see what happens... u know, actually i did want to spend the time alone... decided to catch a movie by myself after school.. orh, not to mention, i need to go school from 830 - 330. then thereafter i shall see how... so what happens if, i decide to disappear for the night, forgoing the dinner.. orh not to mention, my parents actually didn't want to celebrate my birthdy on the actual day... wanted to celebrate either on thursday or saturday... then... i think aiyah no point la... actually i'm already not in a mood to celebrate my birthday already... anyway, back to my original plan.. wanted to catch a movie alone... then after that i go esplanade take pictures of the setting sun.. go to the coffee club some where to eat a cake and then i can prepare to go home... or, going to sentosa is not a bad idea also.. but i'll just be carrying a lot of bags... then... my parents decided that i was grumpy and decided to celebrate my birthday for me... and then it spoilt rui's plans also... gee... maybe i should just embark on my lonesome plan... called reflections of adulthood... just so sad... and to think i was suppose to be happy about it... argh... Si.n.g My. L.ov.e

And here the story ends.
7:25 AM

Monday, January 09, 2006

i think... my previous blog entry made a few ripples... but oh well.. anyway, change mood a bit from betrayal of trust to something sobby... u know i just finished watching this show called be with you... man, it's now next to my favourite movie of all time called A.I the only difference is this time i could hold my tears in... unlike in A.I for no apparent reason, everytime i watch it i cry buckets of uncontrollable tears... but, the thing about be with you is firstly, i think i can appreciate the spoken language of japanese to such an extent that, sometimes i can understand what they are talking about... thanks to rui's dosages of animes... ha ha.. anyway, the thing about be with you is that it boils down to simple story plot... unlike the hollywood's action pack film that sometimes have no story plot.. be with you is something that kept me at my seat for the 2 hours... it's enchanting.. like u wonder, why she can't remember a thing... why she fulfilled her promise of coming back after she died... why she knew when she was going back.. why she gave her son a story of the mom going to the galaxy etc.. it was soemthign that i kept thinking about... and not to mention, the actress was really pretty! okay, and the son was so cute!!! like so adorable.... but, truly... it was a magnificent film that i do not regret buying... there's just no words to describe it.. it's not as drama as lovers in paris, but still it made a greater impact... and it's no way cheesy at all.. just beautifully written and filmed.. brilliant

Si.n.g My. L.ov.e

And here the story ends.
4:57 AM

Saturday, January 07, 2006

The fragility of friendship.. even as i fast approach what is known as the key to freedom.. it suddenly dawn on me, and frankly speaking i am a little shocked and stunned and disappointed to know who are your friends to keep and who are not... people who claim to be your best friend good friend, may not be afterall a true pal... thinking about it, what on earth do i want for my 21st birthday.. and some claim that i have everything under the sun, what do i need? frankly speaking... it's not that i go for branded stuff like i wish and hope for... i once told dom, if ever... ever... i was like the size of normal singaporean girls, like an xxs or xs, god, i would not be buying stuff like mango and zara... i can even buy a t=shirt at a road side stall! it's just that, i like clothes that fit me that can go with me at least 2 years down the road with me... like, u know what's the diff between levi's and a normal pair of jeans? levi's can go with me for 5 years down... even though, it's steep intially and most people are like wow.. levi's but truth is i have worn my levi's for at least 5 years, and i only have bought one pair of levi's for myself after saving up for eons of years... the rest is my sister's and it's pass me down... but it's becoz my size, does not fit a regular size ger's t-shirt at a road side stall... so for clothes, i have no choice but to pick in terms of quality... and that is why, i am selective of what i choose.. and it's not by choice my things are usually found in zara or mango... i just look kiddish in things like op and i itch in materials found in bossini... i have sensitive skin for goodness sake! anyway, back to why i'm utterly sad and disaapointed... friends who claim they are your bestest friend seems to fall when it comes to your birthday.. and worst is 21st brithday.. i think i'll celebrate my next brithday and a big one when i'm age 50... so for goodness sake! it's like one of the last brithdya to remember before i get married... u know what i seriously hate.. i hate it when you do make sure that you put in effort and spend your last dollar sharing a present for a friend even though, i'm not very close to some... and, paying in like, a month later becoz i've no money to eat... and what do i get in return? people who claim to be your great friends are not even willing, and say.. sorry pal, i've no money to even fork out 10 bucks.. i know, certain friends of mine cannot afford to pay that sum... but i know others who can and are not willing... great friends of yours...they claim.. i'm utterly embarrased by myself to have established such a poor relationship with people, or have been misguided to think they are my pals who would stick to me... that for 21st brithday and they claim to be your great pals mind you.. that they are not willing to fork out 10 bucks... okay friends i understand.. coz, not so close.. but close friends?? very great ideal friends?? ha... only on the surface right?? so it is thus. on my fast approaching 21st brithday... i truly understand. that some so-called great friends are seriously not so great after all... and some really okay friends, i think they even treat me better! and i'm so gonna cherish these people who really tried and will make my birthday a little different... u know, at the end of the day, it's not that i look at the finances and say, wow, if you give me 20 bucks birthday present i'm going after you coz, i'm after your money.. but it's the thought and the heart to want to make your 21st birthday a memorable one... and thus, my so called great friends who are no so willing to spend on my 21st brithday.. dont' think i'll do the same for you back.. coz, mayeb we aren't so great pals after all... this is called betrayal and trust... so sad so very sad... and to think i knew that this was coming, since last year.. coz, no one bothered to celebrate my brithday... and promised to celebrate it for me this year... i know you pals, and watch it.. coz, i;m very very utterly sad and dissapointed, and it'll show... but for the rest of my friends... whom i've forged a bond with, and i know you guys to be very very nice to me... i'll write another blog entry about you guys.. =) i promise!!!

Si.n.g My. L.ov.e

And here the story ends.
8:45 PM

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

test Si.n.g My. L.ov.e

And here the story ends.
4:52 AM

Si.n.g My. L.ov.e

And here the story ends.
4:51 AM

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