Si.n.g My. L.ov.e

E ger's called Valerie, born 18th jan 1985. A pianist, keyboardist, percussionist. Loves photography, lomo, life. Embraces life with richness of colour.


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02/01/2004 - 03/01/2004
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12/01/2005 - 01/01/2006
01/01/2006 - 02/01/2006
02/01/2006 - 03/01/2006
03/01/2006 - 04/01/2006


Drummer drummer
Unique earrings
Levi's jeans

My feelings______

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Da creater


Thursday, September 30, 2004

this is INSANE!!!! i can't find any information on top companies in philippines after 2 hours of search and my eyes are really really sore... i'm getting really really mad.. i shall research for another 15 min and conk out...this is doing a lot of damage to my eyes... maybe i should put a pot of cactus next to me...

And here the story ends.
11:07 AM

Wednesday, September 29, 2004

gee... the photoblog is finally up... now all i need to do is to take some more pictures that's all.. to blog how's my life... :P though tt'll mean my handphone bill is gonna go up up up! bleh.. hee hee.. anyway, yuppz... 4 more days to SPC hunt!!! ooh... can't wait for it man... i'm getting hyped up over it... heh heh... anyway... if u guys didn't know my photoblog link is under the entire links (my home) just look for my photoblog can liao... however, currently there's no pictures.. coz i've been rather busy lately with project work and assignments.. my mission?? to finish up all my individual assignments by this end of the week... actually tt leaves only one assignment to do... which is my Analytical Skills homework... on writing up a 2-4 page argument or to critic an argument... have no idea on how to do it... but well shall just give it a shot tonight... muahaha.. then i can enjoy my hols... which would be filled with endless project discussions... including BGS and sociology... though i think the BGS is harder... coz i simply love sociology and it's more fun anyway... :P what else.. err... oh i am currently watching this korean drama called stairways to heaven.. gee tragedy ah.. seriously i think koreans are a big time fan of tragedy... i mean how many shows must show pple dying of some disorder or cancer?? gee.. but nvr mind, i'm quite a sucker for certain korean shows... OOOOH... i'm currently watching this anime called full metal panic.. it's so funny lor... even though i watched the first few episodes only... gee... anyway, yuppz... life's quite good actually.. many a times must just relax and not be so intense about things.. if not life would be only a burden..

And here the story ends.
11:26 PM

Monday, September 27, 2004

hmmz... i just tend to blog in riddles... only a few knows why... it's like you're blogging to know you're still blogging... u know you're publicly blogging but no one knows what you're blogging about... anyway, hmmz... i shall blog something realistic... i'm close to starting a photo blog!!!! :) ... till i find a suitable name... though, i think one day i'll learn to put up my own webby... and design from scratch myself... photoblog... the purpose is to show my feelings in picture form instead of words, coz sometimes tots are better expressed that way... riddles... riddles... and it'll fuel my passion towards taking photos... i'm getting use to taking photos via my handphone though.. quite amazed it can actually take quite nice photos... gee... but these few days the sky not very pretty so can't take nice pictures... and i realise many a times when i take photos, the picture in itself must evoke emotions to me.... before the picture is tots of expression.... beautiful...

And here the story ends.
8:50 AM

look back. darkness behold. closing time. soon. look front. greyish patches. brightness befall. gritted teeth. shattered pieces. fallen. fallen. fallen.

And here the story ends.
8:44 AM

Sunday, September 26, 2004

tainted heart. tear stained.

And here the story ends.
10:33 AM

Tuesday, September 21, 2004

insanity. have been up for the last few hours slogging to study sociology. not only to mention today is THE day.... why? in approximately about 14 hours time i'll be taking my grade 8 piano exam. and, i'm still not really up to the standard yet. and it kills me to know. so, i've concluded. it would take a miracle to pass this year's exam. and i'm crossing my fingers really hard and hope God would really see me through this one. coz i really want a break from this graded exams. and just go ahead and dwell into pieces for the sake of them. heard from my teach tt after this grade 8 i can carry on with this thing called performance cert. diploma level but not exactly diploma standard. gee. sounds interesting. some more don't have scales. i think this time round i'm pretty screwed up for my intervals of 6th scales. and my some times on some times off appegios. not to mention dominant 5ths and diminised 7ths which i alwasy mix them up. oh good lord, i realy am relying on u and u alone. after which, after my piano exam count 24 hours, i'll be sitting for my first uni exam. which is, sociology. gee i've ony made it through 1.5 chapters outta 5. how to finish? pretty tired too coz in the midst of all these i'm losing quite a bit of blood platelets. which are so essential for strength. was so tired this afternoon i conked out straight for 2 hours. i won't say its fatigue but the feeling was close. like u just am on the brink of collapse. maybe its the emotional build up and stress resulting from having piano exam. gee, even though it's not exactly a complusion to take piano exam. but hey, i'm approaching the end of fulfilling my childhood dream to finish till grade 8. diploma would be a 19 year old dream though. hmmz.. but hey, first thing first i want to pass my grade 8 piano practical so badly. coz i want a break at least for 2 months. anyway, shall continue to slog hard to finish at least this chapter. and hopefully can touch a bit on the topic of culture. i think the killer topic would be globalization. think tt would take up at least 1 full day. which i would study tmr. as for kinship and marriage. gee i've gotta at least attempt to study 75% to pass. u know... hmmz.. bummer..

And here the story ends.
10:49 AM

Monday, September 20, 2004

crash and burn. gee. life is full of turns and twist. last sat, i held a bbq party for my ac friends. it was really funny coz, end up during the truth and dare game, the guys had to wear skirts and spaghetti tops, and the gers had to wear shirts and pants. was rather memorable. thankfully i didnt do any extreme. but i found out that SA3 can be quite sporting. come sunday, life turn into a mess. stress level build up so high and hormones were raging anger that i just went slightly off. i seriously don't know how am i to pull through my piano exam this coming wed. and tension runs high with strained relations. gee. all i can do now is to let God pull me out of the mud. coz, i'm helpless liao. anyway, keeping myself alive with the words "kao zhu chang xi le" meaning, staying happy with the strength of God. and hopefully my flu would go away too...

And here the story ends.
7:41 AM

Monday, September 13, 2004

i've neglected this blog for some time... simply, too cramped with tots... anyway... yuppz.. decided that once i'm free i'll set up a photoblog or something... and they'll be abt the culture and life of singapore.. hopefully i can pull it off.. hahaha... talking abt photog... i'm like takjing lots and lots of pictures la... like no one's business like that... emo shots are my favourite.. i like pictures to tell of emotions... and it's like even if it means just one chair in the pic.. but it tells lots of things.. up to the mind of the looker... and you know something amazing is that these few days, the setting skies are so beautiful.. seriously... its really a radiant blue and a gorgeous bright blazing orange mixed in between.. think tmr evening i'll take time off to do a bit homework for my photog... thinks... yikes.. my piano exams are like in the coming week... really stressed abt it coz i doubt i can pull it off this year.. think i shall do mad practising tmr... then, study for my mid-term exam for sociology... yesh... exams are back again.. you the weird thing is... i don't seem to remember all my exams date... for all i know, i would only be studying for the exams like 2 weeks in advance before the date...or maybe 1 week or something.. haha.. its like.. hmmz.... okie.. you mean tmr got exams that kinda thing.. haha... oh well.. guess i should conk out... need lotsA rest... :)

And here the story ends.
7:45 AM

Wednesday, September 08, 2004

a tear drop. a glass of wine. melancholy. sometimes, when a door refuses to budge its for the better of the other person. even though, its heart renching and seems cruel. if i could picture what my life is like, it'll be... a little girl, sitting on a wooden swing, gazing at the open meadows. with a broken doll in the hand... an angel sitting on a pink globe... what is warmth??? issit a cup of hot chocolate on a cold winter night? or, tucked away in the comfort of a blankie... or, issit to see a black and white picture of a girl smiling with a lolli in hand? or issit to know tt out there some where, there's some one loving you... caring for you, praying for you?... time for bed... and turn out the lights...

And here the story ends.
10:15 AM

Saturday, September 04, 2004

this is depressing. slept at 6 am yesterday trying to finish this BGS assignment. only to realise i did it from the wrong angle. so here i am again. alone at night, at 2.10 am in the morning with only 1/4 of my paper done. does that mean i can't sleep tonight again? pokes assignment. sigh sigh.. tmr still must go for dance.. think i'll be super tired lor.. hiakz.. orh.. today i bought this pink top.. quite nice... am impressed by the top.. simple but nice.. got clothes to wear to uni liao.. though its like super common top but who cares.. hahahahaha... hiakz.. pokes assignment.. thankfully i finished my maths one liao... if not i'll be even in a worst state.. just shall make do with whatever i have.. bummer

And here the story ends.
11:15 AM

Thursday, September 02, 2004

I'm falling in love with photography. I chanced on it by accident when i took one shot of of clouds in the mountain when i was in kuching and it turned out really rich and memorable for me. Hitting me that hey, i may be good at photog. Then again when i took a picture of a rising sun in Malaysia when i was in a ettiquette camp. It turned out really really beautiful. It developed into a more accessible hobby, when i told kevin i like taking photos and he bought me an LC-A for my birthday. 9 months after my first owned camera, and upon looking at other people's potraits and photographs. I realise i do love photography. Especially still life. Though I'm not exactly good at it, as I've no prior knowledge in photog, i foresee the road to photog will be a long one for me. pictures speaks a thousand words. However, i signed up for cinematography instead of photography, as i realise that cinematography will challenge and change my thinking of taking good photographs. As to me, cinematography is like an extension of photography. It will challenge me to be able to capture moving shots quickly. I'm really bad at capturing moving shots, as i'm never able to see when is a good shot. However, i believe after learning more in cinematography, i would be able to foretell what shots are good and what shots are just well shots. This is exciting, and i'm embracing the opportunity that comes my way. Hee... anyway, am going for gourmet class soon... learning how to make desserts today.. quite intersting right?? i'm actually going to learn the makings of desserts.. haha... interesting.. alright.. i shall end here. and in the meantime, i woudl upload some links to really good photographers.. at least in my thinking, they take really nice shots that captures my heart.. :)

And here the story ends.
11:22 PM

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