Si.n.g My. L.ov.e

E ger's called Valerie, born 18th jan 1985. A pianist, keyboardist, percussionist. Loves photography, lomo, life. Embraces life with richness of colour.


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02/01/2004 - 03/01/2004
03/01/2004 - 04/01/2004
04/01/2004 - 05/01/2004
05/01/2004 - 06/01/2004
06/01/2004 - 07/01/2004
07/01/2004 - 08/01/2004
08/01/2004 - 09/01/2004
09/01/2004 - 10/01/2004
10/01/2004 - 11/01/2004
11/01/2004 - 12/01/2004
12/01/2004 - 01/01/2005
01/01/2005 - 02/01/2005
02/01/2005 - 03/01/2005
03/01/2005 - 04/01/2005
04/01/2005 - 05/01/2005
05/01/2005 - 06/01/2005
06/01/2005 - 07/01/2005
07/01/2005 - 08/01/2005
08/01/2005 - 09/01/2005
09/01/2005 - 10/01/2005
10/01/2005 - 11/01/2005
11/01/2005 - 12/01/2005
12/01/2005 - 01/01/2006
01/01/2006 - 02/01/2006
02/01/2006 - 03/01/2006
03/01/2006 - 04/01/2006


Drummer drummer
Unique earrings
Levi's jeans

My feelings______

Your mood here. You can get one at ^^


Da creater


Sunday, October 31, 2004

orh.... last week was such an interesting week.. cut my hair... apparently, pple commented tt i look younger. haha.. mayann was quite funny she said this :"val, you look young, but i'll still treat you as auntie" .... ... .... haha... then adeline very funny she said this :" val, you look younger, like xiao mei mei like tt..."'s only hair le... but yah, i think i look like some sec school kid like tt.. hahah... hahahahhahaha... anyway, tt was tuesday right?? then come thursday, a rash appeared on my shoulder bone area, then come friday something disastrous occurred. i got bitten by an insect, i doubt it's mosqi i think it's something else.. squashed it before it had a chance to bite me again... but alas... it has done its deed... i suffered from allergy rash for the entire weekends... it started out having ugly looking red patches on my elbows, then it spread, then my knees got ugly red patches... tt was at noon on sat... but then.. it got only worse... by the time i went to church at 5, my ears itched terribly, my forehead got ugly red spots.... then i rushed home for dinner... then.... at 10 pm, i happily sat down on the wooden floor.wah i tell you ah, my butt ached and hurt so badly, i had to sit on my bed and nothing but my bed, and then both my feet swelled, and so did my fingers... to walk to the toilet became an adventure or some sort, coz i couldn't exactly walk painless... and the night was terrible, i couldmnt really sleep with the itchy bumps on my neck and scalp.. horror horror.. i didn't know one bite from a tiny insect and the mixture of antibotics in my body can cause such adverse reactions... so, now its a monday, after having eaten medicine, my rash is slowly going away, my feet are less swollen.. i now can stroll and walk like a penguin... (funny right) but you know the medicine has a really bad effect on me... coz i'm currently eating some rash allergy medicine, and steroids (yah.. she had to give it to me...) ... one of the medicine which was suppose to help me go to sleep, had such a great effect on me, i conked out from 1 am all the way to noon today.. and the thing is, you don't know whether you're dreaming or in reality... was rather helpless... i mean, i didn't even have the slightless strength to open my mouth and speak to my mother this morning.. and had to rely on her to drag me outta bed.. even now, its 1.14 pm and i'm still a bit gong gong... and the pill was so small lor... *shivers* wonders of a little pill.. oh well.. anyway, time for me to go eat lunch... =)

And here the story ends.
9:15 PM

Tuesday, October 26, 2004

i cut my hair today.. darn short.. it's like when i first stepped into ACJC like tt.. quite funny.. actually i'm okay with the length. just tt it's super straight cut which makes it look really funny.. haha... oh well... but my hair dressersay for a change. anyway, i'm going back to have it trimmed again 2 weeks time. so i'll just bear with the look tt yells "nerd" or "bad hair day" haha... but i like my short fringe though...

And here the story ends.
5:53 AM

Thursday, October 21, 2004

today ish the day... i don't do any work.. coz today ish the day i think i need to rest .... in any case, if i chiong ework today i know i'll crash tmr... so today ish the day i don't do work... anyway, aim to go running tmr morning.. *cross fingers*

And here the story ends.
8:48 AM

Wednesday, October 20, 2004

wonderful day... see i knew after a good night rest i'll feel better... anyway, yuppz. i slept from 3 am to 12 noon straight. of coz i woke up at 7 am like always to go toilet... i don't know whats this about going toilet at tt time though.. then at 10 am i was woken up by loud drilling noise... yuppz... apparently, there was some guy who was fixing the new lights in my house... so i woke up to a brand new set of light furnishing for my living and dining room.. quite pretty but hot... it's u know those orange-y lights... anyway, there seems to be some problem with one of them... the chain broke and the mechanism is stuck... oh well.. sometimes pretty things are just like tt... they nvr work... haha... but oh well, i'm not complaining.. it really is quite pretty and whats more important it tt there's a fan attached to it... will make the entire house more cooling... anyway, the programme of the day... 3.30 head to school for soc, 6.45 end class chiong to newton hawker with my soc group. 8 chiong back to meet with BGS. 10 finish up everything we need to do, for the day. and 10.20 chiong home.. yea.... and then i can do up my maths homework.. anyway, time for lunch.. must eat my fill coz goodness knows what i'm eating for dinner.. geesh.., i do miss homecook food already!!!! coz i've not been eating at home for the past few days.... bummer...

And here the story ends.
10:36 PM

Tuesday, October 19, 2004

hmmz... now i've maths homework to be done... well... hopefully i can finish it by tonight... sounds crazy you know... like, in JC yesh i can finish given assignments in one day.. but then, u look at the uni problems for maths ah... 1 night= less then 3 hours its impossible... oh no... must hand up by next wed... thankfully i've done all my other assignments faithfully... all i need to do is to finish this maths assignment by friday and i'm in safe hands.. then can crash BGS and SOC this weekend... anyway, time is short... gtg eat then go school... *phew* happy tt i finished CT assignment... and AS assignment... ^looks at STATs assignment^ argh.. don't think about it.. just do... just do...

And here the story ends.
9:51 PM

I finished my CT individual assignment!!! yea... now i'm taking a well deserved break... i mean seriously. it was 5 hours in a straight row... didn't even realise 2 am is coming soon... gonna conk out really soon... like half my head is in la-la land already... and i can't believe tuesday have passed me by... gee... tmr's wed... tmr... gotta be in school at 1.45 till 930... again.. oh gee... *scratch head* then on thursday.. oh my... it's getting worst every day.. kk shall not think about it... hmmz.. i think i shall think too much.. anyway, i've nothing to fear, coz i've already done my part for my assignment and stuff.. so now, i can just concentrate on all projects and giving in my best shot..=P anyway, the interesting part about the day is tt my bouquet of rose is biodegrading till a point tt the petals are holey- and dropped today.. of all days... anyway.. really tired.. gonna sleep already...

And here the story ends.
10:50 AM

tired.... finished my part for BGS already.. now helping out with my fren's part.... this week would be a week whereby we just concentrate on finishing up for BGS... though i think we have some problems in understanding the topics and stuff like tt.. currently, i'm taking a break.... a little tired.. all i wanna do is go home and take a good sleep... every single day this week, i just aim to get home and spend a much time as possible in the comfort of my own home.. orh... which reminds me, i have to finish up my CT individual assignment today, so tt i can concentrate on other stuff for this week.... the topic is how to film a non-documentary film. there's a talk about how to film a documentary film today though... and since it's CT you can do anything ranging from poems, songs, film, or even an essay.. honestly, my creative brain juice ain't flowing yet.. so i've not much idea what exactly i'm gonna do... but after the talk, do or die.. i'll just do something about it... hey,maybe i'll paint or draw stuff about it.. how about tt... tt'll be cute!!! haha... =P hey hey, not a bad idea.. think i'll do just tt... but now, i must think of what to really do... submit a flip-page book on stick figures??? maybe... to think creative right?? i mean, seriously, let's just chuck the idea of writing an essay.. i mean how creative can tt be?? muhaha... my last choice is actually to write an essay on it..coz seriously, i dont' wanna write any more essays if possible for this term.. tiring.. oh gee.. think i shall blog again later.. * looks at watch* still have approx 40 min to the talk... no!!! it starts at 530 maybe in the meanwhile, i'll just watch some anime to destress... haha

And here the story ends.
1:21 AM

Friday, October 15, 2004

less then 2 hours to my maths test.. and i'm still studying for it.. hahaha.... orh, i really must thank god u know... coz hor.. I FOUND MY NOTES!!! yesh.. my own personalized maths C notes... so wonderful... and i found this really really really useful notes tt i made then... it's called *crash course stats* i remember tt when iw as writting tt pile of notes, all my friend's were like.. val ah... are u sane or something why u name it crash course... machiam u nvr go for class like tt... rui gave me this really "huh" look, and shan was like, ehz val... hmmz.. so val... haha... well.. it came in handy a year after didn't it?? haha... *phew*... but amazingly, i actually understood the concept behind it, better then in JC.. i dont' know why.. mybe it's becoz in uni the lecturer explained a little more.. and i could better grasp the concept.. but whatever it is, i'm thankful i still can make it in time... at least now, i won't be hitting myself and say i nvr study, and if i studied i could have done at least i know, if i can do i can do, if cannot do.. then toooo bad... the funny thing is i got so stressed this morning i went to paint my nails... haha... though i didn't managed to do a very good job coz a keep accidentally scraping my nails...but oh well.. nvr mind... anyway, i shall go back to studying the theory bit of stats... don't really know why must study it but oh well.. just study it lor... :P

And here the story ends.
11:35 PM

*head bobbing to the music* have to play some hillsong music to keep myself awake... less then 24 hours i've to sit for my first maths exam in school. gee... *hands rubbing* and i haven't exactly finish studying... maybe, it's just maths tts why i'm putting so much effort into, coz i know tt if i study hard enough for it, i can make it one.... maybe it's just maths... :P... anyway, my schedule is getting real tight these days. like next week outta 7 days, besides sunday and sat, i'm in school all the time. say for monday i'm in school from 830 am to 930 pm. and the rest of the days i'm just in school from the afternoon to 645 or even 930!!!! my goodneeeeeessssss... but well can't complain, it's the norm in singapore anyway...*pulls cheeks* need to stay AWAKE!!!! have to study.... gee.... at least study the theory part and try to implement what i can remember from my JC life.... u know what i mean??? yea... hmmz.. went on a grocery shopping trip today, why? i've no idea, maybe i'm a little worked out lately tt i think shopping makes me feel a bit joyful... haha... no la kidd' bought some essentials... like, cereal (in case i'm left without food at home and too lazy to cook), biscuits, the only thing i really splurged on was this andes chocolate, 14 pieces for 2.41 buck... i only buy andes choc like once in a blue moooon.. coz it's darn ex... orh then i bought my cousin his toothbrush, kinda felt tt he deserved better then keep sharing my toothbrush... so i bought him this kodomo toothbrush tt came along with a cute toothpaste... orh as a kid, i so love kodomo, coz it tasted really fruity... unlike my cousin, i think my fav toothpaste was the strawberry one. he likes the grape one... *looks at the pile of maths stuff* NO!!!!!!!!!!!! but, somethings must do one... *pulls self away from the comp... back to reality... study STUDY STUDY!!!!!

And here the story ends.
9:01 AM

Tuesday, October 12, 2004

i'm excited!!!! coz... after having attemping to d/l this anime called kimi ga nozumu eien, it's finally 99%!!! it took me like 4 times the normal speed to d/l after i switched to wireless at home... took me approx 4 weeks if i'm not wrong... everyday, get so excited just looking at the number jump.. haha... after this d/l i'm letting my laptop rest for at least one week before i d/l something else... it has worked too hard... think it's like overloaded sometimes... 48 min 42 sec. i wonder how accurate is tt... gee... anyway, went shopping with my jie today... coz she had no class today and neither did i... the interesting thing is, both of us did not spend a single cent on clothes. we spend money on barang barang... for example, we bought gloomy bear handphone chains, ( u know i so love gloomy bear... but if one day i buy one big plush home my mum will scold me big time) haha.. and then, i think we went gaga over those u put 1 buck or 2 buck into the machine and turn the knob then pop comes out a plastic ball.. yah tt kinda machine... and it was like, i think we attracted crowd of pple... haha.... :P for myself, i went gaga over the "night for christmas", my jie, over the "tofu family"... orh anyway, u know i had a really one heck of a night. there's a mrs. mosquito in my room. so end up, once i heard the sound of the mosquito next to my ear at 2.30 am, i got up immediately, packed my stuff... (yesh tt drastic), got to my jie's room, and pulled out the mattress and slept there. till the morning.. hahhahahhahaha... what i've learnt from previous encounters with mosqi at night, just leave it as it is and move. if not u'll wake up with ugly bites on your face and the thing is, u'll still suffer the same terror the next night, so, dont' fight with the mosqi, until u see it and kill it. haha. talking about which, i should go pull out the mattress in preparation for tonight.. haha

And here the story ends.
7:00 AM

Monday, October 11, 2004

gee... it's almost midnight.. and i'm cuddled up in my wonderful bed, reading about the joy luck club written by amy tan... gee... and it feels really cosy... (i think i sound a bit deprived)... anyway, decided to go run tmr morning.. hopefully it doesn't rain... i think the weather is just good enough for me to go running.. at least it's a bit cooling.. :P

And here the story ends.
8:59 AM

Sunday, October 10, 2004

purple?? hmmz.. i do like lilac though.. anyway, i've decided that this week shall be a havoc week.. on top of studying and things like tt.. it shall be a week where u'll just go out and have fun... be a big joker for the entire week... and be happy... anyway, it's all a matter of choice ain't it?? :)

And here the story ends.
4:44 AM

You are purple. What a romantic person you are.
You're sentimental and forward-looking (those
are opposites.). You're a sophisticated and
refined--with a refind taste for chocolates and
wine (yum...). Tempermental and moody, you let
people know when you're angry. But other
times, you just sit and sulk. Alone. When
around people, you're a generous person, with
insatiable needs. You're a starving artist,
basically. You're enjoy getting into debates
over politics and religion with people of the
same intelligence of you. But you know they
can never convince you otherwise, you stubborn
person, you. As a unique person you are (not
to mention just a tad bit eccentric...), you're
well-liked by either a few people, or too many

What color are you? (Amazingly detailed & accurate--with pics!)
brought to you by Quizilla

And here the story ends.
4:20 AM

Saturday, October 09, 2004

gee... i feel a bit the sick.. overdose of water.... feeling super bloated.. and the medicine after taste feels quite bad too... overall = yuckZ!.... anyway, went to church for music prac today... jam like crazy.. it was like, everyone was trying to destress... there was one song however, tt mademe feel so much, so heavy.. and it's called in your hand's. of coz it's in chinese. but then, yuppz... i remember dedicating this song to one person who made me feel really sad... and now, this songn just haunts me again... i mean, i loove it... but it's the memories tt it has kept with me.. now there's an added meaning to it... and even as they were singing it, and i was playing the piano, it just feel so bittersweet. like at the end, i'm back to square one, and just really having to leave all in God's hands. and tt as time goes by, i'm learning to let things go, tt even if i wanted to rule the world, i have to let go, bit by bit... and i was like feeling so swelled... like bam bam... oh gee... what can i say... seriously, what can i say...

And here the story ends.
10:21 AM

Friday, October 08, 2004

i think i must have sounded super mean in my previous blog... hey, don't get me wrong... pretty still messed up of late... messy messy...

And here the story ends.
9:23 PM

okie... i shall make this clear.... i broke up with kevin officially on the 5th oct 2004. well, for the details... can always refer to kevin's site... don't wanna think too much about it. yuppz.... the key thing is, i just believe tt it's time to give each other chance, to meet new pple in life. to start a fresh in life... kk, maybe it's just me. i need to start fresh with life. but nevertheless, it was a mutual agreement. yuppz... hmmz...

And here the story ends.
7:32 AM

geee...... picking up pieces of my life.... looking forward in the future, tts what tt has been keeping me going.... anyway, i think i'm super clumsy... coz, i think i keep accidentally hitting things, creating a lot of bruises on myself... the most current one is the one at my ankle. yesterday in rush, i hit the bathroom door.. wah... now got blue black.. anyway, u know whats the funny thing? went to the doc today.... it was quite amusing coz she said i had this abcess thing which is in its early stage... but thankfully no need undergo the knife. just eat antibiotics and see how things go... :P... gladly... gee, been so tired of late... trying to finish BGS textbook... for the exam on monday.... then, STATS exam on sat... gee... then relax for a while, its project work all the way... all the way....

And here the story ends.
7:18 AM

Wednesday, October 06, 2004

gee... it's been 2 days and every single day, i wake up machiam from a hang over... a very bad one too... and it has been always a huh huh huh... sipping milk with cornflakes currently... slowly introducing milk into my body... so far so good... gee, if you ask me honestly, my heart still a bit sore... but some how, hiakz... it was necessary... maybe down the road there'll be more things tt i would add about it... but currently now, my entire self is still much in a daze....

And here the story ends.
9:33 PM

Friday, October 01, 2004

gee... i did something really stupid... i accidentally closed my d/l anime file.. and now must re connect... gonna take forever to d/l lor... i forsee tt i'll finish d/l it in maybe 3 weeks?? juding tt just d/l 10% took me 3 - 4 days and i'm currently only 57%.. though i feelso excited when the % increases by 1 % muahahaha...

And here the story ends.
11:48 AM

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