Si.n.g My. L.ov.e

E ger's called Valerie, born 18th jan 1985. A pianist, keyboardist, percussionist. Loves photography, lomo, life. Embraces life with richness of colour.


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Drummer drummer
Unique earrings
Levi's jeans

My feelings______

Your mood here. You can get one at ^^


Da creater


Saturday, April 23, 2005

dear beloved one and all.... =) 18th JUNE is a day to look out for.. WHY may u ask... becoz, mr. mingren, mr. samuel, mr. dominic and (i still haven't gotten the other guy's name) and i are putting up a short 45 min jazz performance.. i know, i'm still very new to the art of jazz playing, but still.. i'm not dismayed.. can make it one... >>>> today, was the 1st jamming session... really fun.. though, i must admit, i've not done my homework properly.. i didn't listen intensely to the drums for those songs.. so when i went in, i screwd up a bit.. and all the guys in the group had to teach me the rhythm.. (i think my seniors will be so disappointed in me) but never theless, i'm grateful tt they taught me... coz, i gain something in return.. now can ploay one simple rhythm... just need to be more steady in it... tts all...)

And here the story ends.
10:58 AM

Thursday, April 21, 2005

dear beloved one and all.. did u get SPOOOOOKED by the music? coz, i did when i first heard it. but think about it. and hering it so many times, it compliments the look of this page. adds, some sad tale to some horror show.. this, is therefore my new outloook of my blog for the mmt, whilst i design one of my own tt can last.. this is, my 3rd design already. or was it the 4th? hmmz, lost count. first was blogspot's own, then the darkened star, then the gothic purple one tt died halfway. any more? and now this! wah la! but i quite like this cutsie look. very fantasy... wanted to create one tt is loud, but.. since i've chanced upon this.. looks like living in a tragic fairytale like tt. add such a dramatic touch... so me.. drama drama.. life, has been messy for me.. my room to begin with is super messy... went out with mayann yesterday to shop... goodness, we had such a fun time in far east shopping center alone we just shopped there and only there... (amazing right).. and i'm so happy to have gotten hold of this little black dress though it's very translucent, but i think it fits me perfectly. borrowing my jie's petticoat to wear.. but i'm so amazed and at such a steal as well.. for 15 bucks~ at little match ger, mayann bought her bag there as well for the same price.. and we were very happy pple.. wanted to buy a dress for such a long time.. but all super ex... =) and then, we went to this jewellery shop. usually when me and my jie go in, we come out very headache. but i chanced upon this gorgeous looking vintage earring. brilliant greeen. gorgeous u know.. for 5 bucks, then this cutesey looking indianish prety earrings for.. this the ex one 11 bucks... but in any case.. i'm so happy with the black dress.. and u know what, i think the great singapore sales is coming.. coz, i see all the stores are like sale sale sale.. already.... hmmmz. i wonder when mango sale is coming. i need to get, one jacket and a pants.. i know which one i want to get a white pants and a white jacket,, tt fits perfectly. and maybe perhaps this mango jacket... but actually.. tts all i want from mango... hahahahaha...

And here the story ends.
12:55 AM

Monday, April 11, 2005

darling beloved one and all.. pls wait, for about a month before i get a fresh look to this blog site. i know, the links are down. the pics are down, basically a rotting blog. havent' gotten the time to source for beautiful blog page, nor the time to really blog proper. sorry sorry. wait til my exams are over.. and i'll start doing something to this long rotting away blog, alright? shall add some funk to it.. at least, i want colours.. live it loud. u know what i mean.. =) and for those who saw melike on sunday, yea.. u're only young once... adding colours to my wardrobe and re-stating tt i do have a life and i'm not auntie okie... just tt, i was too lazy for the past few years, so jeans and t-shirts were my choice.. but yes live it loud.. colours are the in thing.. muahaha.. afterall, i like the art side... the formal side seems a little boring.. alright.. democracy here i come.. goodness me.. i've one more chapter to go before i conk out and start studying psych.,.. argh............................................

And here the story ends.
9:07 AM

Saturday, April 09, 2005

the song i wrote goes like this... it's a mix between soul and country :dedicated to who else but HIM: (btw, i haven't name the song yet)
Amazing love, how sweet the song can be. Agreed to die, for me you laid your life. ~ Amazing love, how sweet the sound can be, that you my king, gave up everything for me. *From morning to darkness, you took my hand and leadth me. and showed me what was kindness, and wiped my tears away.* I shout glory to you, majesty. I shout glory to you, king of kings. Hallejuah! Hallejuah! Hallejuah to the risen one.

And here the story ends.
8:08 AM

yo young woman and man! =) wrote yet another song today... just wanted to share how amazing out god is... u know, when we are super stressed.. it seems to me.. tt personally, the best songs comes out from it? perhaps coz its really from the heart... as i was sitting in front of my piano, i was reminded of how i've grown.. i remember tt i stopped serving as a worship leader and sotp singing completely becoz of what some one had said.. "val, u can't sing" think about it, i was silly to have believed in that lie. true, i know i don't have charlotte church's wonderful voice, or stacey kent's jazzy tunes, or some soulful voice... but at least i can hold a tune.. just need to practice to sound constant tts all... nvr really gone thru voice training before... and even as i was reminded about how i've come from tt ger with a weak voice to a person who's finding her agenda in music... i'm so thankful god didn't give up hope on me.. tt, even though i was unsured, he was sure of me...=) afterall, it's not about men, its about HIM.

And here the story ends.
8:05 AM

Monday, April 04, 2005

hee hee.. lagging as usual... *now it's the exam period* got 15 chapters of psych to study, 5 chaps of democracy... and on top of which still have twc which i don't know how to study for... hmmz.. 1 week, suppose to cramp all the knowledge of these fields in my brain..., brain brain brain.. talking about brain.. do u know tt the grey covering tt covers the white mass in your brains weighs 80% of the entire brain? and tt lay it out flat it'll cover 2500 cm(2) worth of area.. hmmmz.. not bad not bad.. =) okie, shall go study for a while.. then come back and blog.. if i've the itme...

And here the story ends.
6:28 AM

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