Si.n.g My. L.ov.e

E ger's called Valerie, born 18th jan 1985. A pianist, keyboardist, percussionist. Loves photography, lomo, life. Embraces life with richness of colour.


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Drummer drummer
Unique earrings
Levi's jeans

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Da creater


Monday, June 27, 2005

oh brilliant.... i found out something today... i have a gmail account... i mean, i remembersigning up for it, but ever since tt day.. i think i used the wrong user nick. so i never ever knew tt i had a gmail account.. woiw... interesting

And here the story ends.
3:06 AM

Thursday, June 23, 2005

hey dear beloved frens... can u hear the mango sale calling? can u can u???? i can!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! being a typical singaporean ger, crazy over mango stuff... i went mango sale today.... interesting enough.. i did manage to find good stuff even at the unearthly 4 pm... i tot tt everything will be snapped up by the office worker or the ks pple in the morning.... but no no no.. i did managed to find good things... =) things i bought... 1. a denim skirt (which, initially i dind't want to buy it.... coz, it's a faded colour... but then.. decided to reserve it... which in the end i bought it) for 36 bucks. from the usual i think 60 odd ah... then... 2. i bought a black sleeveless singlet... for 19 bucks which intiially was from 49 or 39(last minute i saw and grab and go.. good find, look like the one from country road...) 3. hahahahhahaha.. ifound a new brand new loud pink zig zag tube which i bought for 36. from 55. hmmmz.. but my fav find... was this... 4. a green silk shirt... i love it.. coz it makes me look ultra elegant. everything fits properly, the colour the tone.. he texture everything.. love it.. but at a steep price of 43.. but it's silk. but i really love tt piece a lot. but unfortunately the ger. very careless scratched the back.. sobs sobs... but it was amazaing, coz i felt like i was fighting a war.. going into mango... esp the one at taka.. crazy like anything.. but it was fun.. heh heh...

And here the story ends.
10:00 AM

Wednesday, June 22, 2005

something for u to look at for the day... read it. something for u to think about. u see, this is called irritable bowel syndrome of ibs for short. the person can either have. 1. constipation or 2. diarrhoea. and... listen for more... u see, a person with ibs. could symptoms like heart burn, difficulty in swallowing, stomach bloating. hmmmmmz.. the weird thing is, i swing between constipation and diarrhoea. worst is constipation but what comes out is like diarrhoea like. and must go toilet all the time. then.. still have... heart burn. once in a while, i feel this sense of pain near my heart. so i presume its called heart burn.. right? anyway, then.. there's this stomach bloated thing.. which i think from a kid, it has always been there.. then my doctor always say i got stomach flu... hmmmz.. but whats interesting is... how did it happen? 1. stress. 2. trauma. 3. food poisoning. think... so, what could have started it.. if i have ibs tt is... 1. stress and 2, trauma. i think i don't have food poisioning (unless u count the recent beef burger i ate in china. which, i think might have caused my current bout of indigestion and pain in the stomach. which if u don't know by now, there was a day in china in kun ming where i ate one beef burger, and i immediately knew something was wrong. i didn't know what it was then, but my stomach hurt on the spot.then, i had diarrhoea and then i went out again and had to go back to the hotel immediately coz, i think i was breaking out in cold sweat, feeling very nausea and, any mmt my stomach was going to blow. so when i reached back to the hotel it was quite funny, coz at the door, sheng tat told me, hey, u want me pass u medicine? then i was like, i'll call u. but what he didn;t know was, once i closed the door, dropped my bag, i dashe3d into the toilet, and without waiting, all my entire beef burger, apple tea, vegetable. everything..all came out.. interesting ehz..) anyway, back on the main topic. just wanted to raise awareness, tt if u have experienced never ending bloated stomach, constant constipation or diarrhoea. u may have, ibs.. yuppz.. i do suspect i have this.. actually.. really... i'm lactose intolerant tt i know. i can't drink lipton tea with sugar and no milk (unless i'm oin the mood to puke everything or use it to clean my stomach) what i need to do, is to continue keeping track of the food tt i eat and have a violent reaction. eat lotsa fruits veg, and drink my daily staple yakult which i love. i guess my mummy is right, sometimes, certain illness tt u have is for life, just keep praying. and a miracle wouldhappen to lift this ill fated syndromes. so all of u out there.. next time when i say i have stomach ache, bloated tummy. or why on earth do i look so chubby all the time. esp my tummy.. there's a reason behind it all.. i've a bloated tummy. and nothing can change tt... whats the downside u ask? seriously, it's just when the syndromes strike, u dont' feel like eating anything coz, i's either too painful to move. or too bloated to do anything. yuppppz.. =) i'm all too well aware of it.. hahahhaa..

And here the story ends.
10:09 AM

Monday, June 20, 2005

dear beloved one and all... i've discovered a darn nice game... go try it.. but prepared for a time boggling cycle.... muahahahahha.. but it sure is rewarding when u finally finished it.. =) tts for sure... gonna blog about china trip soon.. so stay tuned!

And here the story ends.
10:25 AM

Thursday, June 02, 2005

my dear beloved frens... i need your prayers... i've fallen ill! and at such a critical mmt, when i've begun my 3 days working as ice-cream seller. and next week going to china... feel so shitty... what a lovely time some more... anyway, shall tell yoru a testimony... yesterday the amout of money i had left in my wallet was 1.15 bucks. i had no money to eat. but still have money for transport becoz, i topped up my ez link card... oh, but i'm still in debt to my mum for 30 bucks... then, i was wondering today how... how to eat.... coz, no money.. then i tot okay la... whole day i depend on ice cream alone.. coz we have free ice cream to eat... then, i got a free supply of fruit juice... some more my favourite fruits and veg. but then.... my dad suddenly asked me yesterday.. u want your pocket money ealier? wow... and then i had money to eat today... hahahaha... =) so, i treated myself to pineapple rice with chicken for lunch and a kfc small burger for dinner... and had supply of ice cream and frui juice.. wonderfully done... and i bought this interesting book on alzhemier. written in a very unique way for 6 bucks... tmr i'm going to the stall to hunt for good deals... lovely books they sell u know.. seriously.. kings publisher... it's amazing how, it is when u're poor, u look for the best deals to buy... and they are really the best deals... coz, they'll go a long way.... i was cracking a joke to my jie the other day.. i asked her... jie ah... is it, my size is really non singaporean ger like (in other words, i'm insulting myself) all the clothes i buy hor... all are on like sale fo rlike 50% or 70% one.... and it's the truth... coz, i've been buying stuff tt are like way cheaper then it used to be... okie, i think it's a blessing, coz... yah... it's a blessing... but, it just shows how god leaves the best to his children... and he knows his children will appreciate them.. anyway, i think i better go sleep the medicine making me drowsy... took about 30 min for the effect... oh no... drowsy drowsy....

And here the story ends.
9:06 AM

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